
Thursday, February 26, 2015


This is my bedroom. :) Okay, so I do not actually sleep in here, but my minifigures do.

A desk with a quill pen.

These are the pieces which I used to build the desk. The entire assembly is rather complicated,
so you may have to use the picture above for reference.

Here's a bed. It has about twenty pieces in it.

An alarm clock.
 It is actually a pocket watch tile which came in the Lone Ranger Stagecoach Escape set.

This picture tile is fastened on the wall using a brick with side studs.
It came in the Mountain Refuge Creator set.

Note: I do not buy all of my Legos in sets. A lot I buy on the internet or in bulk some other way.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


This building was inspired by the Lego Architecture series sets.
All of the "people" in the front are made by using cylindrical plates on top of round 1x1 plates.

The workers' lounge.
The second balcony.

The thick people...

and the thin people.

I used minifig heads to build the plump little people.
The water boy (the blue transparent one in the middle)

I think that the ventilators add an industrial look to it.

More ventilators. 

The skylights.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Car of White

This was very fun to design and build because of all the angles.

top view

side veiw

back view

front view

Here's how I built the mirror.

That's why it didn't run... I forgot the engine!

The tilted head rest was made using a tile and a 1x2 hinge.